Coaching Indonesia Festival Rundown

Coaching Indonesia Festival Rundown

Immerse yourself in the experience of Coaching, Leadership, Applied Science, and Entertainment at our Coaching Indonesia Festival 2019.

Coaching Mastery
Thursday, 27 June 2019
at The Sultan Hotel Jakarta

Earn 4 CCE (Continuing Coach Education) units. This CCE units are useful for coaches who are working towards renewal of ICF (International Coach Federation) credentials. 

Event Rundown


Peter Barr


Session 01. 08:45-09:45
The Genius Mindset – Accessible to All of Us
Peter Barr, MCC
Ingenius Coaching Australia
“Access and define your own Born and Unique Genius. It is where Mastery of Self begins. Learn how to live it, even in the toughest moments – because this is where it matters most.”
Kath McKenzie


Session 02. 10:00-10:40
Captivating Conversations – How Great Leaders Build Trust, Energy and Commitment
Kathy McKenzie, PCC
FIRE UP Coaching Australia
“How to ignite conversation so others become inspired and involved with you. It’s not about how smart you are, but how open you are to connect with others that prime the brain for trust, partnership, and mutual success.”
Al Falaq Arsendatama Session 03. 10:45-11:45
Breaking Illusions – Coaching to Shift Your Realities
Al Falaq Arsendatama, MCC
Coaching Indonesia
You will be made aware of 3 greatest illusions in our life and how they affect our perceptual thinking both as coach and client. A few magic tricks will be demonstrated to show how our brain is easily deluded by how we perceive the world.”
Leda Turai Session 04. 13:00-14:00
Inside the Executive Mind – Conscious Thinking in Purposeful Leadership
Leda Turai, MCC
L-Con Global Lithuania
Understand the importance of consciously designing various thinking processes and modalities in accordance with the situation and with the purpose of being a leader in this challenging era.”
Session 05. 14:00-15:00
Panel Session on Deep Shift Platform
Peter Barr, MCC | Leda Turai, MCC | Al Falaq Arsendatama, MCC
Moderator: Sylvano Damanik
 Understand the inner working of human psyche. Journey to your past to create a better future. Become aware of what holds us from living to our fullest potential.”

The Peak Show

Session 06. 15:30-15:40
Decoding Your Brain

Josh Alexander, CEC aka Josh the Magic Man

“Bridging the gap between coaching and magic. Is it really true that coaching build new perceptions but magic works on the contrary: destroy it? Or perhaps there are parallel aspects between coaching and magic that we are not even aware of?”

Session 07. 15:40-16:00
The Coaching Rhythm
Laurencia Lina, ACC and Nufi Wardhana, CPC

“A unique fusion of music and movement derived from deep philosophy of coaching. You will be immersed in mixed sounds played by a DJ and live guitar while enjoying enlightening choreography performed by a dancer.”