Terima kasih untuk form aplikasinya! Detil Anda sudah terkirim dan kami akan segera memprosesnya. Anda akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan via email dari tim Coaching Indonesia Academy untuk tahapan selanjutnya. Coaching Indonesia Academy
October 12, 2015 In Registration By
Terima kasih untuk form aplikasinya! Detil Anda sudah terkirim dan kami akan segera memprosesnya. Anda akan mendapatkan pemberitahuan via email dari tim Coaching Indonesia Academy untuk tahapan selanjutnya. Coaching Indonesia Academy
October 10, 2015 In Coach Profile By
Corporate & Business Coach Associate Certified Coach (ACC) of ICF Co-founder of Coaching Indonesia ICF Registered Mentor Chair of the 1st Indonesia Coaching Summit Over 750 coaching hours Area of Expertise Business Coaching Corporate coaching and training Leadership and team building coaching & training Personal coaching and counseling Self-Awareness facilitator Motivational training Coaching and …
October 10, 2015 In Coach Profile, Corporate Coaches By
Executive Coach | Associate Certified Coach (ICF) | Over 1000 coaching hours
October 10, 2015 In Coach Profile, Corporate Coaches By
Executive Coach | Associate Certified Coach (ICF) | Over 1000 coaching hours
October 10, 2015 In Coach Profile, Corporate Coaches By
Executive Coach | Master Certified Coach (ICF) | Over 2500 coaching hours
September 27, 2015 In Registration By
Course Payments Payments can be made via bank transfer or cash by 7 (seven) days prior to the course date. Payments by installment may be available Late payments may be possible under certain circumstances that is agreed upon. Cancellation Policy If the course is cancelled, Coaching Indonesia will provide full refunds. If participants make cancellation …
September 27, 2015 In Confirmation By
Thank you for your registration! Your details have been submitted. Our representative will contact you shortly…. For the meantime, if you need any special requirement (accommodation, dietary, etc) please contact our office at 021-7694728.
September 27, 2015 In Registration By
Coaching Indonesia is proud to host a professional coaching certification program with approved coaching hours from the International Coach Federation (ICF). Professional Coach Certification Program Batch 47 (Weekday Class) Wednesday-Friday, 8-10 August 2018, 08:30-17:00 at Gran Mahakam Hotel Jakarta Earn title of: Certified Professional Coach (CPC) Cost: Rp 9.900.000/person Rp 19.000.000/group of 2 persons (Does …
September 24, 2015 In Certification By
Program Executive Coach Certification ini mempersiapkan Anda untuk menjadi executive dan corporate coach. Program ini telah diakui oleh ICF sebanyak 35 jam kredit ACSTH. Program Overview: Program berjalan 3 hari penuh yang meliputi in-class training, coaching practice (disertai observasi dan feedback), dan self-study. Upcoming Schedule: Batch 16 (Weekend Class) Jum’at-Minggu, 31 Januari-02 Februari 2020 Lihat …
July 5, 2015 In Certification By
Mentoring program for those who wish to continue their coaching education to become ACC (Associate Certified Coach) of ICF.