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Coaching Indonesia Festival Rundown

Immerse yourself in the experience of Coaching, Leadership, Applied Science, and Entertainment at our Coaching Indonesia Festival 2019. Coaching Mastery Thursday, 27 June 2019 at The Sultan Hotel Jakarta Earn 4 CCE (Continuing Coach Education) units. This CCE units are useful for coaches who are working towards renewal of ICF (International Coach Federation) credentials.  Event …

Do Well Anyway

Do Well Anyway

People feel that their leader is not listening but they must know that a great leader makes people feel good. Great leader forms leadership culture.

Sertifikasi Coaching Profesional di Surabaya

Program sertifikasi coaching ini telah mendapatkan pengakuan oleh International Coach Federation (ICF).Anda dipersiapkan untuk menjadi coach profesional dengan standar etika dan kompetensi yang telah teruji dari ICF. Program Overview: Program berjalan 3 hari penuh yang meliputi in-class training, coaching practice (disertai observasi dan feedback), dan self-study. Upcoming Schedule: Batch 60 (Weekday Class) Rabu-Jum’at, 3-5 Juli …

Our Coach Team

Our Coach Team

Coaching Indonesia is supported by a team of professional coaches with credentials from the ICF (International Coach Federation). All together we have accumulated over 10,000 coaching hours working with clients from a wide range of industries including: banking and finance, telecommunication, consumer goods, oil and gas, construction, manufacturing, health, pharmaceutical, and education. Our Senior Coaches …

Our Clients: List of Coaching Indonesia’s Clients from Various Industries

Our Clients: List of Coaching Indonesia’s Clients from Various Industries

Klien-klien kami dari program coaching dan training (tidak termasuk alumni program sertifikasi coaching untuk publik): Telecommunication Telkom, Tbk Telkomsel XL Axiata Three Hutchison Automative & Parts Astra Honda Motor Toyota-Astra Motor Astra Oto Parts Suzuki Manufacturing & Construction Fonterra Brands Manufacturing Patria Engineering Sarana Sanggar Baja Doulton Indonesia Teamworx Tetra Pak Stainless Equipment Tetra Pak …