Dua tahun berselang setelah peluncuran Impact Movement, Coaching Indonesia membuka inisiatif bagi seluruh alumni untuk bergabung di beberapa divisi coaching baru yang inovatif melalui ENCO, ALETA dan GROWIN.
August 11, 2018 In Blog, Gallery By
Dua tahun berselang setelah peluncuran Impact Movement, Coaching Indonesia membuka inisiatif bagi seluruh alumni untuk bergabung di beberapa divisi coaching baru yang inovatif melalui ENCO, ALETA dan GROWIN.
December 10, 2016 In Gallery By
August 22, 2016 In Gallery By
August 13, 2016 In Gallery By
Program sertifikasi coaching standar internasional ICF bersama Coaching Indonesia. Menjadi coach profesional berkompetensi.
April 16, 2016 In Gallery By
March 9, 2016 In Gallery By
Becoming a Certified Professional Coach with the ICF (International Coach Federation) standard of ethics and competencies.
December 6, 2015 In Gallery By
July 6, 2009 In Gallery By